Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Gmork and the Song of the Day.

First off I would like to say...welcome to Friends with Benefits! With my first post on this new landmark of a blog, I would like to announce that I will be posting a daily blog entitled "Song of the Day". In my line of work I find myself with many hours on the road, alone, lonely, and by myself all alone... and lonely. Music is all that keeps me company, and I have found that the course and overall enjoyment level of my day is directly related to what I am listening to. I know I am set for a few days when I find an album that truly blows my mind, and typically a certain song will catch my attention and I will end up listening to it over and over all day. I will be coming on here daily to document which song in particular was the obsession of the day, and try my hardest to explain the reasons why.

I seem to be going through a lot of interesting changes in my life at the moment, some good, some bad. My musical taste and the aspects I find appealing in music seem to be going through a transformation as well. I have been meaning to document my feelings and how they relate to what I happen to be desiring from music at any given point in time, and with the creation and invite to contribute to this blog, I may have found the perfect outlet. Hopefully viewers will find these posts interesting and provide their own insight into the topics. I look forward to hearing your thoughts.



  1. Thanks man! Hopefully I can be consistent with it haha.

  2. Yeah this should be pretty sweet.

  3. Yee breh, great idea. I might have to copy you every now and then :)

  4. Thanks guys, and feel free man :)
