This is some truly nihilistic shit right here. Laugh all you want but back in the day, Motley Crue were fucking terrifying. If you think parents were afraid of Elvis being the devil in the 50's imagine the horror of 80's moms and dads while their kids rocked out to what was essentially four modern day Elvis's with an overtly satanic image. Musically this is quite different from its predecessor Too Fast For Love as it is much more of a straightforward metal album -- the record virtually discards all the punk elements (except the attitude of course) in favor of large sing-along anthems and dirty as fuck metal riffage. The riffs were distorted to oblivion but as with everything Motley did there was that weird sex appeal that just dripped from every instrument, no doubt securing the success of this record as well as all their other triumphs in the decade.
My dad and my uncle are in love with this band haha.